nice song carrot...
i would have chosen a different kick and a different clap for that beginning thing. i liked most of the notes and instruments, however, there was one kinda wah-wah synth in the back ground that was pitchy at times.
good transition in the middle, perhaps a little bit of reverb on the previous instruments to it though. (so its not there all alone) there was a cool knocking echoey thing that caugth my attention and fitted the song perfectly. i Liked the whole i dea of the song.
just a few things i would have done:
-master it
-added i short riff that repeats well
-and ended it a little bit better (it seemed too abrupt to me)
good catchy rave you got here, work on melodies, and you might want to tone the instruments down a little bit. ( make them softer)
5/5 and a 10/10 from me. I've got another one coming out today maybe, look for it if u have the time. And i also have an old account, BMC-audio. you can check out the songs there. (it is a shared account and my songs have mawkeetus written in the title)