the songs i posted with the name Omegabit- ...*something*... are my 8bit songs. instead of having the name and the traditional (8bit) to say what it is, i thouhgt omegabit sounded cooler...
so if you're a fan of 8bit or videogame music, swing by those submissions and give em a listen. [reviews appreciated as usual] i could hit you back with some feedback if you need some too. and hey, those older submissions as well: not entirely bad. So, yeah. thanks for reading if you did for some reason o.O ill be reviewin' around :]
Not too bad,,,, I guess, take care dear.
hey! thanks... you're not too bad either XD.
i will submit one in the summer-timeish and in my opinion of course, it blows all my other stuff away, soooo. keep an eye out. ^^